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Comprehensive Preparation for GAMSAT General Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry), fully updated for 2025-2026 GAMSAT. You cannot get new insights from old editions!
GAMSAT General Chemistry is a core component of Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences (formerly: GAMSAT Section 3).
This new book contains foundational (basic understanding) multiple-choice questions (MCQs), followed by new GAMSAT-level MCQs - completely updated to reflect the most current exam trends.
Also new: Need for Speed exercises to practice basic concepts; Spoiler Alerts so you can compare your learning to specific ACER practice questions; and Chapter Checklists to ensure that you have completed your understanding before moving on to the next chapter.
Note that this book comes with answers, helpful worked solutions, free access to chapter 1 teaching videos and free discussion boards for all worked solutions online (free access to the original owner for 1 continuous year; extensions available).
Chapter 1. Stoichiometry
Chapter 2. Electronic Structure and the Periodic Table
Chapter 3. Bonding
Chapter 4. Phases and Phase Equilibria
Chapter 5. Solution Chemistry
Chapter 6. Acids and Bases
Chapter 7. Thermodynamics
Chapter 8. Enthalpy and Thermochemistry
Chapter 9. Rate Processes in Chemical Reactions
Chapter 10. Electrochemistry
GAMSAT General Chemistry Key Points
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